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Mountain Ridge


Ben Hedberg

Is it possible to be our own best friend and stop the negative self-talk that makes us feel like sh*t? Negative self-talk is a series of bad habits. You are not born with a predisposition of negative self-talk: You learned to think that way! The first step in change is awareness.

There are 4 common subtypes* that tend to be prominent in people who are prone to anxiety and unhappiness: (1)The WORRIER (“what if”): This type's dominate tendencies include, anticipating the worst, overestimating the odd of something bad or embarrassing happening, and creating grandiose images of potential failure or catastrophe. (2) The CRITIC (“Can’t you ever get it right”): This is the part of you that is constantly judging and evaluating your behavior. The critic generates anxiety by putting you down, comparing you to others, and pointing out your flaws and limitations. (3) The VICTIM (“I Can’t”): This is the part of you that feels helpless or hopeless and tells you that you’re not making any progress. It believes nothing will ever change. (4) The PERFECTIONIST (“I should, must”): This type generates anxiety by constantly telling you your efforts are not good enough, you should work harder, and you should always be competent. As a Cognitive Behavioral Coach, my clients learn the most effective ways to deal with negative self-talk using more positive, rational, or supportive thoughts. *Subtypes by Reid Wilson


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